Window repair-Why it works

Window Repair works for obvious reasons.  A new window salesman won't tell you why.  For as many years as I've been in business, I've had folks ask, "How do I know this works?"  Well, somehow we've been making window parts for over fifteen years now, what do you...

Window repair, not an emergency

Window repair is not an emergency folks!  It took 20 years for your windows to rot.  A couple more weeks won't hurt anything. The first thing about the window industry is; it's not in a hurry.  So from a supply standpoint, we wait sometimes 5-6 weeks just to get raw...

Jamb liners – Fenster FAQ

The common question we get is, do we have jamb liners for a specific brand of window?  Yes, but not that brand.  What I mean is, most brands double-hung windows used a standard profile that is universal across the industry.  Yes, while there may be subtle differences...

How to identify your windows -Fenster FAQ

Help us help you!  Identify your windows with these helpful tips or let our experts do the work.  Windows are complicated, confusing, and technically challenging in both terminology and construction. Have I scared you yet?  Relax.  The biggest...

Window repair products – Fenster FAQ

Window repair products are offered in a variety of forms, style, and categories to fit a specific need.  Fenster offers more than just replacement sashes and merely requesting a "brand" of window sash doesn't help us get you the best product to solve your window...

Brand names and part numbers-Fenster FAQ

We make Fenster Windows, not "insert brand name" windows.  All Fenster products are after-market replications of the original model.  Yes, you did find us online because you did a search for your brand of window.  How would you have found us otherwise?  That makes us...

Window Sash-Fenster FAQ

 What is the sash?  We get that question a lot.  Since it's our primary product line, we should probably go into more detail.  In simple terms, the window sash is what you open and close.  For instance, a casement window sash opens vertically from the side like a door...